We believe strongly in helping families choose the right service options at an affordable price. Our traditional services offer families experiencing grief a choice on how they want to memorialize their loved one.
Basic services of Funeral Director and staff; transfer of individual to funeral home; embalming, cosmetology, dressing, casketing and hairdressing; facilities, equipment and staff services for viewing/visitation and for funeral ceremony; graveside services and all necessary automotive equipment. (Includes all itemized service offerings shaded on page 2 of the GPL.
This package includes basic services of the funeral director and staff; transfer of individual to funeral home; embalming, cosmetology, dressing, casketing and hairdressing; facilities, equipment and staff services for viewing/visitation; staff and equipment for the service at the graveside and all necessary automotive equipment, including a service/utility vehicle and a hearse to the cemetery.
Basic services of funeral director and staff; transfer of individual to funeral home; embalming, cosmetology, dressing, casketing and hairdressing; staff and equipment for the graveside service and all necessary automotive equipment, including a service/utility vehicle and a hearse to the cemetery.